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Apply As Instructor

Unlease your passion for teaching while earning

Apply to become a FourthIR instructor by completing and submitting the provided form. Ensure accurate and detailed information, and our team will review your application promptly. We look forward to potentially welcoming you to our community of educators.

How to become a teacher

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Becoming an instructor on the FourthIR Learning platform offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the traditional realms of teaching. One significant advantage is the global reach provided by our expansive user base. As an instructor, you have the opportunity to share your expertise with a diverse and engaged community of learners from around the world. This not only allows you to make a meaningful impact on students' lives but also enables you to create a global network of like-minded individuals passionate about the subject matter you teach. Moreover, FourthIR Learning empowers instructors with a flexible and user-friendly platform, offering the autonomy to design and deliver courses according to their unique teaching style. Whether you are a seasoned professional or a subject matter expert looking to share your knowledge, our platform provides the tools and resources necessary for crafting high-quality educational content. In addition to the financial rewards through our revenue-sharing model, you'll find satisfaction in contributing to the intellectual growth of a diverse audience while enjoying the support of a vibrant and collaborative educational community. Join us at FourthIR Learning and discover the fulfilling journey of imparting knowledge in the Fourth Industrial Revolution era.
To find out more about the rules that apply to our instructors, visit the

Instructor Rules Page here

The best way to teach is to begin by learning. In case you want to know what your learners will experience, start by taking one or more courses.

Click here for some courses